Autonomic dysfunction (dysautonomia) is a major feature of ME/CFS 1–4. The autonomic nervous system regulates many organs and things of relevance (e.g. blood flow, heart rate, immune function and energy metabolism) 5, so could contribute to multi-system dysfunction.
dysfunction in ME/CFS seems to involve both sympathetic (fight/flight) and
parasympathetic (rest/digest) responses. For instance at baseline there can be an
increased heart rate, lower heart rate variability (HRV) during sleep 1,4, and a prolonged
acetylcholine-induced peripheral vasodilation 6. Challenging autonomic function with tilt tests reveal an
increased heart rate, frequency of POTS and neural-mediated hypotension 1. Autonomic dysfunction has been linked
to muscle pH handling 3, which
has itself been linked to cerebrovascular control 2. There will also likely be relationships with impaired
cardiac function (and low blood pool volume) 7, GI dysfunction 8
and perhaps postprandial somnolence (food coma)
in some people with ME/CFS.
So autonomic
dysfunction could be a central feature of ME/CFS, driving much systemic
dysfunction 2,3. But what
causes autonomic dysfunction? I’ve been surprised by how little interest and research
there has been regarding potential causes. Of several possibilities, an
immune-mediated mechanism seems plausible, as discussed below.
ME/CFS often
occurs after infections, which presumably trigger pathogenesis and somehow
autonomic dysfunction. Most obvious would be inflammatory cytokines acting on
neurological tissue to mediate adaptive responses to infection (i.e. sickness
behaviour). However sickness behaviour doesn’t seem to have a particularly
clear set of autonomic changes resembling those in ME/CFS, which itself
involves far more complex changes beyond those seen in sickness behaviour 9. This may be because the autonomic
changes following infection have not been well-studied (e.g. how does facial
pallor/paleness occur?). Anyway, another possibility would be that chronic
immune activation in ME/CFS has induced further sequelae (e.g. metabolic
dysfunction) which mediates the autonomic dysfunction 9; for instance autonomic dysfunction is
common in mitochondrial diseases 10.
immune activation could be driven by on-going infection in the nervous system,
as proposed by 2 hypotheses in ME/CFS (i.e. peripheral ganglia 11 and vagus nerve 12). Certainly chronic infections are
frequently found in CNS tissue in other chronic illnesses (e.g. MS) 13. Another possibility is on-going
infection in the gut. Several GI infections (i.e. enterovirus, parvovirus B19
and HERVs) and mild mucosal inflammation have been reported in ME/CFS 14–16. This might stimulate enteric/vagal
activity. For instance gastroenteritis commonly leads to activation of the vagus
nerve and increased parasympathetic activity. In fact excessive vagal
stimulation can induce the vasovagal response and even syncope (fainting). Altered vagal
tone occurs in chronic gut conditions including IBS and Crohn’s 17. Also gut dysbiosis, the vagus nerve
and autonomic dysfunction are emerging players in the aetiology of Parkinson’s
disease 18–20.
A further
possibility is that a pathogenic autoimmune response might be causing autonomic
dysfunction in ME/CFS. Certainly many autoimmune responses have been reported
in ME/CFS, most to intracellular molecules and neurological receptors 21, although it’s not clear which ones
are pathogenic. The potential importance of autoimmunity is emphasised by
preliminary studies with Rituximab, which depletes B cells and achieved
significant improvements in ~60% of ME/CFS patients 22,23. This led the authors to suggest pathogenic
B cell-derived autoantibodies may be at play. They further suggested autoimmune-induced
autonomic dysfunction as a possible candidate mechanism, based on new findings
in related conditions 23. For
instance agonistic (activating) autoantibodies to autonomic receptors have been
found in POTS 24 and
orthostatic hypotension 25,26,
both of which occur in subsets of ME/CFS. Autoimmune responses to autonomic
receptors have actually also been found in some with ME/CFS 21. Furthermore some functional
significance is implied by a correlation between blood autoantibody responses to mAChR and
decreased receptor binding in the brain in CFS, although there was no correlation
with cognitive symptoms 27.
Autoimmune responses could result from
many things, perhaps the most obvious being infections, leaky gut and cell
damage in ME/CFS 21.
there is at least one case study of influenza A-induced autoimmunity resulting
in orthostatic hypotension, which was rapidly and completely reversed by IV
immunoglobulin G (IVIG) treatment 28.
Note IVIG has also been used to successfully treat CFS resulting from
parvovirus 29.
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